Me, Myself and Glossophobia



A little known fact about me~ I HATE public speaking.

Off the cuff I am as witty as can be, put me in front of a room of people with a pre-packaged presentation and let’s just say, “I don’t know what to do with my hands”. Glossophobia- or the fear of public speaking is apparently common. Remember that Seinfeld episode,

Jerry Seinfeld: “According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking.  Number two is death.  Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.”

So if you’re wondering what happened this week since the blog has been quiet, it’s because I was off in a conference hall being not so quiet. After years of having professional training to get over my fear and giving many presentations, I started my own company. Then 3 years went by and I was living blissfully in my public speaking-less domain. Like a hermit living in complete isolation, I’d point my shot-gun at anyone getting too close to my fort. “Take your presentation request somewhere else we’re all full up…

So to someone’s great joy (probably at the thought of my own personal torture), I accepted a last-minute request to speak as a subject matter expert to a group of my peers. Things I have learned to overcome fears of public speaking:

  • Know your subject
  • Practice, Practice and Practice some more
  • Don’t self-sabotage or talk negatively!
  • Try to Relax, deep breathing helps
  • Take criticism so you can improve

Regardless of all that advice, my week leading up to the presentation was stress-filled and not much fun for G2 who offered constructive criticism, but unfortunately was not well received and Miss Lily who really got sick of me practicing really loudly, interrupting her usual 18 hour nap schedule.

But the day of, right before my keynote the quote, “Do one thing a day that scares you“came into my thoughts. Ok well this will check that box. So I mentally made the decision to go up and have some fun and it honestly was one of the best talks I “feel” I’ve given to-date.

My advice of the week:

Do one thing a day that scares you…

Then go have a drink