Everyone I have a new accessory crush I’d love for you all to meet ~ Andes Cruz Designs. When I first saw the photos of her famous eyeball rings I was instantly hooked. After chatting and seeing that we have an amazing amount of common interests (minus the creative/ genius artist part on my side of the fence) I really wanted her do a blogger interview for C&C so that if you too love her creations just as much as I, maybe this will give you a chance to know the artist behind the unique designs.
Q) In a nutshell how would you define yourself and by extension Andes Cruz Designs?
A) Metalsmith. Artist. Creative Genius. Outdoor Enthusiast. Athlete. Animal lover. Redneck. Hermit. Computer Geek…… And a million other things.
Q) What are some of the biggest creative drivers/influences for Andes Cruz Designs?
A) My inspiration comes from being in a good place. Being healthy, being happy, being free to create that which just pushed out from within. I focus first with my goal to be creating a piece of work that is as well made as I can possibly make it. No cutting corners. Do it right, take my time, finish it right, leave no detail undone. (The back is as important as the front, etc.) From there, I try to create that which makes me happy. (As opposed to making something I think is what I think people want. ) I allow my work to develop as it sees fit. Most directly, what inspires a ring design, is the stone I pick. The design must compliment the stone. So I may start by picking out a couple stones… and letting the creation build from there.
Q) What pieces from your collection are key for Fall/Winter Fashion?
A) I don’t create the way the fashion industry does – Which I think you’ll find true with most jewellery designers. We don’t create following fashion trends, or seasons.. or for that matter, many of us don’t create in “collections” either. While it’s true that there are many Jewellery artists, that find a unique style, something that they’re good at, and it defines them. You can identify a piece to the artist, based on a look………. For me- any of these would all be confining. So While I don’t have the “right” answer for what I have created that’s good for the upcoming Fall/Winter season…… What I would say, is to pick pieces that speak to you. That you love. That you will want to wear year round. That are going to stay in your jewellery collection indefinitely. Go with what you love.
Q) When you’re not busy as the creator, designer, artist, fabricator and overall mastermind behind Andes Cruz designs what are some things we’d find you doing?
A) Well, that’s a gamble. Hanging with my felines. Gardening. Target practice at the shooting range ( I’ve been shooting competitively in IPSC for three summers now) Yoga. Enjoying the outdoors – I was once a athlete on the Canadian Freestyle Ski Team. Love to ski! Running. Biking. Hiking. Reading. Computer geekery. ( I work full time as a Computer Aided Drafting Specialist) I’m learning to play banjo…. Or just thinking incessantly about the next 10 things I want to make.
Q) What’s inspiring you lately (books, music, fashion ect)?
A) While I love to read, and watch a great movie, listen to good music – and can find all of them inspiring in their own way. I love to get in my truck and go for a long drive with a camera. Just go out and “Photo Safari” 🙂 Be in the outdoors. Enjoy the forest, the smells, the light. … But Actually, one of the biggest things going on for me right now, is Pinterest. When I was younger, before the internet, I read Jewellery Magazines, and devoured Jewellery books with images of inspiring work… In the last decade I feel like I have been following a path that’s….. less inspired. Being inundated now in the age of the internet and social media with images of so much work – some that I like and admire – but not work that *truly* inspires me; such like the books and magazines used to. And that’s where Pinterest steps in. It has opened a door to seeing a lot of images of work that just really Inspires me. Because it’s unique, creative, interesting, and very well crafted, and very well photographed. It reminds me of Where I Want To Be – What I Want To Create. Not that I want to make those things, or emulate a certain style of piece – I have my own ideas and techniques to explore – but just to see the level of work again that inspires me to Do More. (You can see my board of work that inspires me here: http://pinterest.com/andescruz/metalwork-jewellery-i-admire-by-andescruz/
Q) What’s the best advice you’ve ever given or had given to you in terms of starting your own business?
A) Be Authentic. Follow your own muse. Create only that which is inspired from within. – Copying the work of another is wrong in so many ways – whether it be style , technique or a creation in full. That’s a copyright offence. And why would you want to go there – when you can define your own path? Be recognized for your own creations? And secondly – you will never reach your potential trying to emulate anothers’ style of work. You cut yourself short, and you will never do their work as well as they do. So find your own voice. It is the very best thing you can do for your self. It will serve you with the best experience, and the best success. – Yes, look at as much work as you can. See what you like, see what is interesting to you, see things you never thought of. Let the experience inspire you to your own heights. Let it push you to yell at the top of your lungs in your own voice. And most importantly: Learn the right skills. Start at the bottom, and work up. Perfect the skills. Do them right – and take the time to do it right. – Learn everything you can. And focus on always creating something you are proud of, something you can not possibly do any better. Do your very best. Always. When you create with the best intentions, and from the heart, you will be on the right path. That’s my personal code, and in my mind what makes me as successful as I can be: Do your very best work, and Define (and follow) your own path (and vision.) When your work comes from a place of inspiration, and passion; I believe this is infused into your creations, makes them *shine*. People will sense it, and be drawn to it. The Energy is there. Trust in yourself.
I just wanted to thank Ande so much for taking the time to do this interview with C&C. She is so inspiring! If you want to see more of her designs and do a little shopping, you can find her site and social media pages here:
Website: http://www.andescruzdesigns.com
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/AndesCruzDesigns
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/andescruz/
Blog: http://andescruz.wordpress.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AndesCruzDesign
Instacanvas: http://www.instacanv.as/andescruz
Tumblr: http://www.tumblr.com/blog/andescruz
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/andescruz/
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/andescruz
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/andescruz/
Blog: http://andescruz.wordpress.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AndesCruzDesign
Instacanvas: http://www.instacanv.as/andescruz
Tumblr: http://www.tumblr.com/blog/andescruz
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/andescruz/
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/andescruz