We are t-minus 14 days away from Christmas! If you’re anything like me, this includes a jam packed 13.5 days to try and get everything “prepared” for the holidays. Which brings me to the point that every year, I have this image in my head of what the holidays have to be and my best intentions leave me frazzled, stressed and not acting my nicest towards others.
So this year I have a goal, to work on spreading the Christmas Cheer, well at least whatever is in my proximity. I’m making a point to slow down, break down my to-do list into manageable pieces, and SMILE! Thank people for helping out, wish strangers a happy holiday. I know it sounds cliche but that small act of taking the time to make eye contact and spread some cheer can make all the difference of a frustrating experience into a positive one. I’m busy but then so is everybody else. I’ve noticed this year with my pay it forward attitude, I’m getting a little closer to those perfect holidays than I ever have before!