After all the laundry, gear prep and tech tutorials, I think I’m packed. Today we head up to the North West Territories to experience Redstone Outfitters and the Mackenzie Mountains. In tow I have pelican cases full of camera gear on top of our archery and hunting equipment. We’re excited for the journey and I’ll…
Saddle Blanket Inspiration
This weekend I snuck in a leisurely ride with my favourite gal Nameoka. After plowing our way through a creek (I could barely get her to move out of it) and plodding through the forest we came to a stop for a rest (as you can see she’s starving… yes we both might be going…
Fall Forward
Every year I fight the urge as we turn the bend into August to fast forward myself into fall. As a Canadian we are pretty much entitled to about 8-10 weeks of summer so I should relish them right? Don’t get me wrong I DO…. but when the mornings start to feel brisker and the grass…
Sunday Style
What’s that, a chill in the morning air? Love it or hate it, we’re halfway through August and the days are feeling shorter. However for us northerners we can still manage without a coat (most of the time). I thought this was a great Sunday look and decided to style it up on Polyvore. If…
Friday Favs
TGIF Everyone! Well another week has whizzed by and I’m wondering what the weekend holds as we round the bend. I had a great time visiting with my brother earlier in the week who was up from Houston. We had some time on the racetrack with Seabiscuit (AKA Okie), followed by a hike and a late…

Lemon Buttered Herb Cutthroat
I find cutthroat trout, or “cutties” to be a very redeeming little fish. After a dry stretch with the brown trout I was fishing for earlier this summer, we’ve done some walk and wade trips to alpine streams and lakes where these little trout have been very eager to bite my fly. So much so…