I love my jewellery to have an edge or additionally a rustic, antiqued feel. My bestie stumbled across Moon Raven Designs and gifted me with one of their very funky Whitetail Antler Rings which I adore and feel is very ME. So I started looking at the rest of their ESTY shop and love it. The jewellery are definate conversation pieces,…
Not a Yanni
This year when down in Montana, we found an Idylwilde fish ruler for our boat that we couldn’t pass up. The top of the ruler says, “How Badass Are You?”, and proceeds to list individuals such as Yanni, John Denver, Christopher Walken, Charles Bronson, Brian O’Keefe and Steve McQueen as the measurement demarcations increase to 26 inches….
Bean Boot Review
Women’s Bean Boots by L.L.Bean, Bison 8″ Back in May my L.L. Bean 8″ Bison boots were delivered to the house. I promised to do a product review on them, seeing as they were featured in Vogue this March, but I wanted to make sure they could “walk the talk” (no pun intended) and even…
The Mighty Mo
I mentioned we were on the Missouri River last weekend in Montana. Known for it’s legendary fishing and spectacular scenery, we drifted through through some great habitat. The weather was HOT, HOT, HOT but the fishing was SLOW. I think we tried every combination of fly pattern recommended in the three days. It was a…
Friday Favs
What a short week this has been! After a long weekend fishing the Mighty Mo, I blitzed the work week and now we are into Stampede’s Centennial celebration. Now I have a weekend of work, horses, some fishing and a museum exhibit to take in (Life is short you have to cram it in right?)…
Antler Art
Previously I mentioned my parents creative spirit and my lack thereof as per this post. So I had to show off this latest piece that my dad created out of shed antlers. It has an abstract, modern tone that creates a unique statement for the house. I just had to share!