Photo by Krista Kay Photography
Calgary is a city known for it’s western heritage and values, that’s why it’s called “Cow Town”. We have the long standing tradition of a white hat ceremony, a symbol of Western hospitality and good cheer for those celebrities and visiting dignitaries and of course the infamous 10 days known as the Calgary Stampede. As much of this tradition and heritage that lives on in the city, Cow Town has changed, the heart of the west has become more metropolitan, more…modern. So I’m excited to introduce you to Cody & Sioux, a destination boutique featuring the latest in western wear and western lifestyle pieces.
The mission behind Cody & Sioux’s beautiful clothing and decor?
“To have each person who walks through the door to embrace their own style of the West. Whatever it may be that embodies the idea of the West in your own personal style. Wide open space. Independence.Sustainability. Individualism. Character. Grit. Be stubborn about it. Be meticulous. Savour it and live it. Wear it close to your heart, like a necklace, a big ole bold and beautiful squash-blossom piece of turquoise. Go ahead and let it save your soul.”
And let me just say, when you walk through the doors you definitely get a sense of the store’s mission with their backdrop set in a beautiful brick heritage building in the heart of Inglewood, Calgary. A Longhorn poses on the exposed brick walls between unique artwork. Beautifully crafted decor and western furniture scattered throughout the store, flowing seamlessly to the unique collection of western fashion, boots, accessories and home decor items. And as jaw dropping as the store is, the entire time I was thinking, “this is exactly what Cow Town needed”.
The store is lead by mother and daughter team Ingrid Schulz and her daughter Alex. Ingrid took her 20 years experience of building and managing Western Horse Review into creating Cody & Sioux. Curating many artisans, craftsman and designers that are well known in the western world of North America and introducing them to the Modern west of Calgary. And don’t let the craftsman/artisan labels scare you off as the ladies have picked a great selection of pieces at varying price points, from a huge selection of cool graphic print tees to evening dresses or coveted one of a kind cowboy boots, the problem will be making up your mind on what’s your favourite! They also have a great selection of men’s clothing, if you’re thinking of giving the Mr.’s wardrobe an update…
Also a head’s up and stay tuned for those not local to Calgary but wanting to shop the store, they have an online segment to the boutique rolling out soon. I for one can’t wait to pull some outfits together especially with CFR and NFR coming up! If you want to see and know more about Cody & Sioux, check them out on Instagram at @codyandsioux or on facebook.