I’m pretty sure my neighbours at the new house think I’m insane, running outside and on the streets taking random pictures of myself, I’d be wondering if I saw that too. I received my package from Spool No. 72 yesterday and couldn’t wait to wear the Mohave Dress. It transitions nicely into fall with a pair of Kenneth Cole Boots and a long Angora Sweater that I got at an artisan shop (I found a long Mohair Boyfriend Cardigan very similar for $29 at Joe Fresh). I love the colours of this dress and was very pleased with it. To add to my pictures, G2 wanted to speed up the process of making supper so he picked up the camera and at the same time Miss Lily was trying to escape hence the blog photos of a pretty Mohave dress and a cat- my neighbours just stood and stared from their yard. Guess it could be worse, lets wait and see the reaction when we bring the first animal of the season home with us…

Love the dress!
1. I love that dress Brandy, Spool No. 72 has the most adorable pieces.
2. Miss Lily is so cuuuute! I would ask if I could have her but Tara doesn’t allow for me to have cats ; )
3. Silly neighbors! I have had that happen a time or two except I was trying to model with my horse lol. They came over to see the horses & here I am all dressed up & playing top model ha. Isn’t it the most uncomfortable feeling?
Yes, Miss Lily is cute- but a bit of a wimp, she was accosted by a squirrel last week and I fear did not fair well in the fight- so Tara would definitely have the upper hand 🙂 As for the neighbours- yep they probably think I’m certifiable but it’s not the last time they will see me at it ha-ha
Gorgeous!! Love the Spool pick and your outfit combo!
Why thank you!!
Nice outfit..gorgeous!