Every year I fight the urge as we turn the bend into August to fast forward myself into fall. As a Canadian we are pretty much entitled to about 8-10 weeks of summer so I should relish them right? Don’t get me wrong I DO…. but when the mornings start to feel brisker and the grass a little more golden against the blue sky, I start thinking about all the things I love about autumn. Hand’s down it’s always been my favourite time of year. And with that love comes all fall fashion, from boots to knits and different types of denim, getting all the look books is like an early Christmas for me.
This year in particular I am loving the outdoors vibe that is standing out with earthy patterns, knits and textures. So I came up with some of my favourite designer collections this fall and created some outfit ideas on Polyvore with my own spin. Trust me, I’m still cheering on summer to go as long as she can, but I’m excitedly awaiting colder days when I can put on my amazing boots I got in Australia earlier this year.