Spring is in the air but I’ve been bringing it in to the house for a while now. I love the charm that chicken wire, reclaimed wood, homemade paper and rough burlap can do to accessorize a home. I’m not referring to old school country kitsch but the modern “farminista” version with modern elements of metalwork, glass and luxury fabrics such as cashmere. I found a chicken wire basket with four glass apothecary jars and use it for an eclectic flower vase. The great thing with the four jars is you can do a mixed bouquet as shown or different elements in each jar for varied texture. I plan on putting this in my office which is still under makeover mode. Also I found a restored wood, chicken wire recipe box- perfect with the antique brass chicken handle. Lastly my blog idea book is a handmade flower fabric book bound with old twine, it sits faithfully by my computer taking down my random thoughts. I do have my eye on some cashmere pillows at Restoration Hardware but am waiting for them to hit the sale rack….

So very pretty. It will look great.