I have a problem- it’s t-minus less than a month until my parents come for a visit and I shove them into what we’ve dubbed the “hunting closet”. Sounds like a relaxing retreat I know. Currently reserved for camo, gun storage, camping supplies and the odd animal rug, it just doesn’t have the ambiance of “welcome and enjoy your stay” when you swing the door open. Problem is I’m out of time, so this is going to be more of a fake-over than a total bedroom makeover…
So I started with this little article of 15 tips to make your guest bedroom a retreat, which I’m not sure if it helped or sent me into a tailspin of bad hostess self-loathing….
- Fresh Flowers are a must– Personally I think a Bedspread and Blinds are, but we’ll work on the flowers
- Make it Plush– So this means I can’t request they bring their own pillows?
- Invite them to Relax with a Good Read– Done and Done (Cabela’s Magazine and the Huntin’ Fool runs a plenty in our house)
- Put a clock in the room- WT??? So they can count down the time to their escape? Which brings me to the point of not currently having a night table in there.
- Help them feel at home by putting out robes and plush blankets- Honestly I truly don’t want to see my parents walking around in robes in my house…
- Add a mirror- Agreed, something on the wall will breakup the current state of nothing
- Take a cue from 5 star hotels and stock the room with mugs, a teapot or coffee maker and let them help themselves…. because tea makes everything better
- Even the smallest space can be put to work- Thank God! I thought we were running out of hope here.
- Don’t rush out to buy furniture if you’re missing a few pieces, just improvise- OK now we’re getting somewhere! Now where the heck did I put those milk crates….
- Stock small travel necessities in the bathroom or bedroom- Done, I already have a whole bunch I’m stolen from my travels…
- Add bedside lighting- So I’m taking it the stockpiled headlamps don’t cover this one?
- Dress the windows- Done! I ordered blinds, fingers crossed they are here in time!
At this point I was overwhelmed with must do’s to turn this room around from looking like a prison cell so I ignored the additional suggestions of presenting healthy snacks and creating a dressing room…..
So I’m doing this fake-over and working with what I have. I did get blinds measured to be installed and I have some furniture I can pull out of storage to help achieve the look of a mature adult guest room. But until then, here is some inspiration I pulled to get my improvisation flowing.

good luck with your makeover ! too bad your auntie didnt live closer she is genius when it comes to decorating themes! say hi to mom and dad for me!
Thanks Kathy! I definitely think AD would like the challenge of the hunting closet haha. Funny thing is after I posted this, they haven’t confirmed the travel dates with me yet 😉
I would take one of these bedrooms as my regular room!
I know, me too! Our master bedroom is almost as bad as the guest “closet” lol