Isn’t it incredible how time flies? I did this comparison photo of Gunnar yesterday. One shot of him at 9 weeks old, the other now at 6 months.What a difference hey? He is turning into an energetic, determined little dog that is also very smart and sensitive even as he enters his “teenage stage”. The cat has also taught him an interesting fighting technique, one that mainly involves “swatting” your opponent. Cool if you’re a cat, eyebrow raising when employed at the dog park. He’s been put through the paces at the arena and shown diligence by sitting and watching patiently as I ride, although he’s still not quite sure about those Goliath being’s called “horses”, but I think with some more practice we will be ready for trail rides come this summer. Everyone keeps telling me, “man, puppies are sooooo much work”, and while yes indeed they are. Time has flown by mostly because of the fun, the laughs and the enjoyment of having the little busybody around. But to all those that re-stocked my sock drawer at Christmas, I thank you and I’m sure Gunnar secretly thanks you too 🙂