Tank- Winners | Jeans- Lucky | Boots- Ariat
Photos by Jennifer Masterman
Living the city/country double life, I often find my car is the gear wagon. On weekends, I’m stocked with saddles, sporting gear, sometimes hunting gear and enough outfit changes to go from the barn to the city or the woods. Typically I keep my barn fashion to a bare minimum, ready to get dirty, snorted or chewed on but every once in a while I get lazy, save the outfit changes and opt for a kinda fancy, barn outfit.
An earlier trip to the farmers market had me in an embellished tank (no necklace required) and some straight leg jeans and nicer cowboy boots without spurs that are more socially acceptable in Starbucks. I was still able to get out and beautify and lunge Okie, without being totally covered in paddock muck but it never goes without fail when I’m wearing a half decent outfit that she will sneeze a giant snot cloud all over me, making this a mostly successful attempt at having some barn style.