Office Makeover

You know how on movies and cartoons there always seems to be that one “closet” that gets stuffed full of junk when people are surprised last-minute and they are manically trying to clean up their house, and then they show the closet door flexing and heaving about to bust at the seams with all the hidden treasures behind it? We have two of those rooms and they are what we refer to as our offices. Yes we have two, which is a great thing because I get to decorate mine the way I see fit and G2 can hang all the hunting photos and duck calls he wants. However the makeover seems to be a duty that falls to my shoulders and so I’m starting by separating the two different looks the rooms will have.

I’m thinking for G2’s office:

The bear rug and deer mount I have, now it's time to organize!

Clean, masculine lines. I can display some of his antlers and rugs appropriately without a cluttered feeling. Also he has a gorgeous antique oak desk from a hotel his family owned back circa 1915 that will be the focal point. Organization will be key as he tends to make it a personal dumping ground of outdoor gear and memorabilia.

Then for my office I was thinking…

A little more eclectic and feminine

For my office I’m thinking a little lighter and mixing my electric pieces together, an antique trunk with Hudson bay blanket, retro 60’s style mirror and antler jewellery rack. I even found an antique dress form, (Singer’s from the 1920’s).  I can’t wait to introduce you to Molly! Also my reclaimed wood desk with iron rod legs and french style cloth chair will go perfectly together. Can’t wait to show you all how it turns out.

Images from Here



Hehe, I’m going through this exact same thing right now… actually it’s called house make over but there is an office involved. I’m all about girly girl offices or adding romantic touches. I want it to be a pretty place to work so I think you are on the right track!


I’ve learned to be productive you have to like your environment. I’m faced with the house makeover right now too but unfortunately we spend majority of time in the offices??


your office shows a hide on the floor….is that part of your scheme and if so, what are you looking for or do you already have something.

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