2017 Over The Hill Down Hill at Silver Star Mountain- Team “Hold My Purse”
I’m just back from finishing another Over the Hill Down Hill at Silver Star Mountain with the ONLY all girls team “Hold My Purse“. Our second year out of retirement from our previous ski racing careers and we definitely moved past the first year jitters and improved our times this year. I for one can attest that my weekly barre workouts helped out this year in terms of strength and stamina on the course, which is a must when you are skiing at that intensity (speeds over 115 km/hr) for multiple days in a row. More than anything the weekend was about camaraderie and fun, we even celebrated pre-race with mimosa’s at the top as this years team t-shirts might let on!
And I had to share this photo that I pinned a long time ago before we even thought about competing again. I love this old vintage photo of a 1948 girl’s race team. I’ve joked that we should try to do this every year till we’re 70. I mean the oldest competitor there was 72!! hashtag GOALS. But seriously how cool would it be to have a momento like this? Either way, it was a great weekend, thanks so much to all those that organized and coordinated all the gear, wax and logistics to make the race a success. So proud to be included in this kickass group of women, can’t wait for OTH 38!