Last night we arrived to beautiful Silver Star mountain in time to enjoy some holiday fun. Last year we ventured out in horse drawn sleighs so this year as a surprise the Paradise Express was waiting to take us to our destination. Silver Star offers the unique experience of taking a snow cat to a remote location on Friday and Saturday nights over the holidays. What better way to spend an evening than with family and friends at a rustic cabin secluded in a forest blanketed in snow. Once you arrive to the cabin you are greeted at the door by friendly and attentive staff. The cabin is cozy and quaint, vintage ski gear and nostalgic old photos add to the ambience. The hill brings in an amazing menu and beverage list and stoke the wood fire for a peaceful and private experience in the backwoods. The only disruption to the tranquility were the busy night groomers on the hill, but they are quite the sight following each other in formation, leaving a trail of perfect corduroy for the next days skier as they passed.