I’m lucky to say that my best friend, Jen and I have been partners in crime since grade six. From first boyfriends, driving tests, weddings, breakups and cancer we’ve been there through the best and worst times of each other’s lives. What else can I say, she’s the brownie to my blondie. She’s also the person I text every random shopping/outfit selfie when I need to make a decision or share something I love because I know she’ll be brutally honest if something just doesn’t work. Even kiboshing my beloved overalls as she swore it was for my own good, but I’ve since gotten over that…
So it makes perfect sense when you find a maxi dress that is so freakin’ cute you just have to photograph it and your best friend agrees that she will comply with your request even though it’s raining out…. AND she’s 39 weeks pregnant. If that’s not a BFF, I don’t know what is. The benefit of having a friend that is such a talented photographer, you wouldn’t even know it had been raining out- or that I had hypothermia but it doesn’t matter because we had a blast as we revert back to acting as teenagers and I’m excited to think that the next time we set out on another adventure, we’ll have a new generation in tow.

Maxi Dress- Hudson’s Bay Co.| Purse– Peacock Boutique| Necklace– House of Harlow
So adorable! Both you AND the dress <3
Thanks Suzie! It’s one of my favorites for summer!