Idle time doesn’t seem to be a common feature in our household. Even though the weather has been bad and the hunting slow we still seem to venture out any chance we get to enjoy our surroundings. In the last two weeks many times we’ve caught ourselves saying, “Fall is here”, from the frosty mornings to the change of colours in the hills. Fall in the Rockies, albeit short- is one of the most spectacular times of year. It might last 4 weeks or 4 days- the fact that it’s so unpredictable makes it that much more enjoyable. And although we don’t get the dazzling reds and yellow mixture of the eastern hardwood forests we have brilliant red fish spawning in the streams and yellow leaves. I think that combo in itself is pretty spectacular and not one to be missed.

Fall just starting close to Yoho National Park
Looking for Elk in Southwestern Alberta
This looks beautiful I would love to go with you some day!