One of the things in October that’s become an annual ritual for us is getting out to do some bighorn hunting. From the many hours of spotting, hiking and soft sunsets, the Rockies are enchanting with the fall colours. It’s truly my favourite time of the year and whether we see sheep or not, I enjoy exploring every nook and cranny in those big ol rocks. On our last adventure we tried a trail that unfortunately led us into a moss-covered, slippery creek bed which eventually became an old water cut canyon. Maybe not the sweeping mountain vistas at the end of the trail but was a very serene spot and as always the sunset was pretty fantastic.

Honestly could never get my head around the hunting part (not a judgment at all, I promise – just not my thing), but the hiking sounds glorious! I imagine hiking to hunt would bring you to all sorts of beautiful places and amazing sights that one would not see on the “designated hiking trails”.
Hunting for me is mostly about the journey and the adventure of getting there and seeing things. I guess the hunting part just pushes us to hike more places than we ever would usually go, and it’s good for the waistline!