Ok, hand’s up if you’re like me and consider yourself an emotional dresser? Which means when you feel tired, stressed, or plain old self conscious about say maybe those 5 extra pounds you’re convinced you need to lose… you may lean towards something more comfortable, casual and unflattering. So I’ve considered the concept of dressing for Emotional Success, which means using your wardrobe as an ego boost, no matter how many extra pounds you think you need to loose or additional hours of sleep required to bring about a sunny disposition. How you dress can play a big part in the attitude you project. I’m the first person to run to my boyfriend jeans and slouch top on a moment’s notice however not at work. Admittedly I hate work clothes; spending money on clothes I wouldn’t necessarily buy in the first place BUT it doesn’t mean you can’t add your own signature flavour to the office (As long as it fits in the dress code). So I pulled together some Polyvore looks to help inspire some dressing for emotional success. I think colour is a must because who wouldn’t feel gloomy wearing a black suit everyday??

I LOVED THIS IDEA!I am guilty of this at times too, as you know! It’s so good to be proud regardless of our size!!
Thanks! As you know there are so many options for fab fashion regardless of your shape. Everybody has an asset, they just have to learn to work with it and not against it!
Ah love these combos!
Thanks so much!
*raising hand* guilty as charged! except in my case it’s an extra 30 pounds…still waiting for that baby weight to fall off (ha!) and not wanting to spend $$ on stuff I hopefully won’t be able to wear in a few months = frustrated!!!
That is frustrating! I find when nothing else works or your working on a goal and don’t feel like your quite there yet, fun accessories never fail for a little boost 🙂