Jacket- Aritzia | Tunic Sweater- Joe Fresh | Beret- Simon’s | Jeans- Levis A detriment of being in the country is my truck is always dirty. I mean ALWAYS. So wanting to try out an outfit with winter whites can prove to be a bit tricky and terrifying. However I managed to navigated the day…
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Plaid Peplum Blouse | Faux Leather Leggings | Shoes Well we are officially only six more Monday’s from Christmas today! Who else is filled with thoughts of shopping, wrapping, decorating, baking… the list goes on. Not to mention finding outfits for those events and get togethers. So this week I thought I’d share some of…
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As my fingers touch the keyboard, I can’t believe this is happening…could it be I’m blogging again?! My lack of attention to C&C is in no part due to waned interest, I’ve just been on a path of simplification, spending quality time with family and friends and enjoying time doing projects without documenting everything. But…
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