Love ’em or hate ’em the hazy days of summer have set in. Some find the heat stifling on our little prairie city, but I welcome the one week a year where you can sit out on your patio in the lingering temps, well into the night. Typically I wouldn’t do white pants during…
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TGIF Strangers! I’ve been away from the blogosphere buried under a mountain of work, but was inspired to post my current favourite things when I heard a chickadee calling this morning. Something about hearing that familiar little call of spring broke me out of my winter doldrums. And the fantastic news is we are supposed…
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Alas it’s the end of January and it’s around this time of year I find myself wondering why I would attempt to be a fashion blogger in a place that remains frozen for half the year. And since it’s close to Valentine’s day I have the familiar tug to heart-shaped anythings, colours of red and…
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As a little girl, every Christmas I was so excited for the fashionable items Santa would deliver. Christmas morning turned into a fashion show as I would try everything on at the same time, including the new pj’s for all to admire. The tradition’s carried on in this post as I’m wearing some of my…
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Even though it’s been quiet on the blog over the holidays as we’ve been busy planning and making changes for 2014, I wanted to share that our Boxing Day sale has been extended until Dec 30th. Take 50% off any item in store!
Each winter I pack away most of my summer dresses and skirts, thinking they have to go into hibernation. I found this tribal maxi back in the summer for the store and realized that the thicker material would work great with a sweater and boots on those chilly days. I kept it casual with a…
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