Sweater | Blanket Scarf | Pendleton x Gap Denim | Buffalo Check Boots The first snowfall of the year always excites me. As kids, my brother and I would be jumping for joy because it meant that ski season would soon following. Thanksgiving was a true snow day this year and although it seemed a…
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Floral Dress– Joe Fresh | Double Buckle Belt | Tassel Ankle Booties– Ralph Lauren via Winners I’m obsessed with this time of year. If I could bottle it up and save it I would. I also wish it would last about 4 times longer than it usually does, but sadly fall in the Rockies can…
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Print Linen Tee | Cargo Pants | Denim Jacket | Tote Bag After some fabulous weather this weekend, spring seems to be here. And just as spring cleanup and yard work is a given, so it seems are cargo pants and denim for me. I’m a big fan of khaki cargo pants as an alternative to denim in…
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Work is back in full swing and my holiday bubble has been popped. Wanting to keep some festiveness in my wardrobe I find this wool jacket that I found at Joe Fresh years back on sale for $10 (that’s right, one-zero) always seems to break January tedium. Remix it with some stripes and my new…
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Every hardy Canadian knows that cold weather is part and parcel of life on the prairies. And when I say cold I’m talking anything south of -25 Celsius or -13 Farenheit for my southern friends. Exposed skin freezes in less than 3 minutes and getting dressed to grab a morning coffee becomes a procedure. Thankfully…
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