Tis’ the season for consuming calories! In the midst of eggnog and all sorts of decadent drink choices, I was looking for a lighter after dinner option. I found a chocolate chai tea at the grocery store and decided to create a Bailey Chai. It’s spicy and sweet with the hint of peppermint making it…
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Having festive snacks on hand is pretty much a requirement in our house for the next few weeks. I had a Costco sized bag of natural almonds that felt a little too plain next to all the salty nut mixes lining the seasonal aisle of the stores at the moment, so I found this cinnamon glazed almonds…
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Tis’ the season to pour on the sparkle! The other day my mom was asking where it would be appropriate to wear a sequin jacket, my answer is anywhere! It’s the holidays, the one time of year when you can play up the sparkle or shine in your wardrobe, so have fun with it! Try…
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Most of the time you’ll find me with hair down, it’s just easier when you have exactly 10 minutes allotted to do your hair in the morning. However, when I’m looking for a quick alternative in the morning, this loose bun style does the trick. Step 1: Towel dry hair and apply a styling creme or…
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This time of year the holidays takes over my dress code, very much influencing the type of outfits I decide to throw on that day. Somedays it’s nordic leggings and mukluks, the others it’s jewel encrusted sweaters and tutu’s. We’re headed to the Nutcracker next week, something I’m very excited about because I’ve never been…
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Each winter I pack away most of my summer dresses and skirts, thinking they have to go into hibernation. I found this tribal maxi back in the summer for the store and realized that the thicker material would work great with a sweater and boots on those chilly days. I kept it casual with a…
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