Idle time doesn’t seem to be a common feature in our household. Even though the weather has been bad and the hunting slow we still seem to venture out any chance we get to enjoy our surroundings. In the last two weeks many times we’ve caught ourselves saying, “Fall is here”, from the frosty mornings…
TGIF everyone! This morning we’re keeping it simply, because I had to share this awesome piece of antler art from Cody High Style. They celebrate western decorative arts and some of the exhibitions they have are truly jaw dropping. Just like this piece carved by Jenny Booth Art: Carved with floral, leaf and vine pattern and…
A little known fact about me~ I HATE public speaking. Off the cuff I am as witty as can be, put me in front of a room of people with a pre-packaged presentation and let’s just say, “I don’t know what to do with my hands”. Glossophobia- or the fear of public speaking is…
This weekend we were met with the first day of Fall and right on time came that “chill” that seems to linger in the air this time of year. As you can see, I’m not prepared to give up my dresses yet though. So on come the boots and the sweaters. And with the change…
Even though I’ve been wearing camo for years suddenly it’s become Hip & Cool. I’m seeing it spring up everywhere this fall while I’m so used to the horrified stares of our neighbours as we jump into our old Dodge diesel (also nicknamed named the Covered Wagon), a very similar effect to when I leave…