With Valentine’s day fast approaching even though I am entranced with all the beautiful red and pink floating around, it’s not neccessarily something that we celebrate to a large extent in our house. With restaurants crowded with pre-set menu’s and flowers and chocolates inflated to the price of gold, we usually celebrate with a nice home cooked meal and exchange funny cards. I don’t go crazy with a heartshaped garland or decorate up a Valentine’s mantle in the front room (although I’ve seen people do this). But on my travels on the web, I’ve seen a few fun ideas that I think would suit our Valentine’s day and maybe yours too.

If your not crazy about the Valentine’s Mantle, what about a country-style romantic bath bar with old bottles from your acutal bar? Clean them out and fill them with red and pink epsom salts and bath beads.

Don’t get me wrong, I love heart shaped sugar cookies with sprinkles. But the fella in your life might get a kick out of eating a bacon-strip cookie instead. Which is why I’m loving this idea from Foodista. While I don’t have the cutter for a pork leg, I do have a moose. Nothing says love like a moose right?

Forget the chocolates! What about this idea for a DIY candle tackle box for the angler from Shaken Together?

Or you could get mushy or cheeky with some DIY matches and some chalk paint. (image)

And at the end of the day isn’t it more about the time spent together versus gifts? Pack up a romantic winter picnic and enjoy some time together in the outdoors (image from Sugar and Cloth). Urban Country Style has some great tips on how to put together the perfect winter picnic.
Thanks so much for the shout out Brandy! We love our winter picnics here in Canadia 😉