I’m still coming and going to work in the dark and even though the days are getting longer, I still feel like nesting in my home. Not that I’m seeing that as a problem, it’s a great time to slow down and enjoy the creature comforts of a warm fire, candlelight and even soft fuzzy layers of flannel. Because before you know it, we’ll be back to flipflops and backyard BBQ’s…well at least some of us will. For my brother who is in the full swing of summer right now, you might want to take time to look at this post and remember what winter is 🙂
xoxo, B
I love a good fire, indoors or out, thank my style guru/icon Mr. Lauren for making this one so pretty
Images from here
This post makes me glad to have winter (although… I am starting to think about spring a little bit too….). Love those table runners and that bedding. Drool.
I know hey! I look at all that and crave a comfy cabin. If you look at UrbanCountryStyle she is cooking up a very cool ski cabin!