I’m Back Witches!!
After taking an extended hiatus from posting in the year of our lord 2020, most in part to the present meltdown of the world and a general lack of inspiration, I felt it fitting that the first post back might be one of a light-hearted nature. To share my last-minute Halloween inspiration this year- The Woodland Witch…
After watching the Social Dilemma on Netflix (if you haven’t yet seen it, I urge you to) I decided to delete my social icons from the homepage on my phone. This reduced my online scrolling in the last few months significantly. It also has me missing important notices, events, and updates. Case in point a friend messaged me early on Saturday morning to see if I was coming to the Halloween party- TONIGHT and hadn’t I seen the Facebook messages?!
Well, I took a look around my closet and decided on a Woodland Witch theme. Borrowed some suspenders from my dad and headed out to the local Pharmasave in hopes of finding a fun wig to add some drama, $25 later and I was suited with a lovely two-tone red wig and lace raven feather gloves…
The next step was a bit more work, making a broom that a Woodland Witch might use. Luckily the moose were already steps ahead of me in the yard, breaking off willow branches at a height I could harvest. With some floral wire, a hot glue gun, and some Rustoleum spray to hide the shiny wire, I was almost ready for flight!
The rest of the outfit was easy- trying to stay warm in the frigid temperatures we have this weekend. I picked a buffalo plaid flannel shirt with high waisted Levi’s and tall boots. I left the house with my buffalo plaid jacket (emphasis on the Woodland vibes here). If you are trying this look, think go dramatic with the makeup. Pale face with smoky eyes, contouring and a dark dramatic lip.
In total, I spent $25 and felt it worked great for a last minute costume idea. Now to see if it will help me conjur up some magic this Halloween!