Photo of Inuksuk taken near Holman, N.W.T
For anyone who has had the privilege to experience the north, they understand what a primal yet spellbinding place it can be. On thing I’ve always been intrigued with is the Inukshuk (or Inuksuk) creations by the Inuit people. Inukshuk means, “to act in the capacity of a human”, these rock structures were and are placed on the vast, barren tundra to act as helpers to communicate things such as hunting spots, where camps or food was cached or if someone in a nutshell had a change of plans. They also are the markers of spiritual connotations or an offerings of respect.
For me the meaning I like the most of these rough stone monuments is one of the traditional meaning, “someone was here, and you’re on the right path”. I know I talk a lot on the blog about following one’s passions and dreams and this has led myself personally to a path of metamorphosis that has been slowly evolving over the last few years. And at times it’s been easier just to pull a U-turn and head back to the city limits, but this photo that G2 had taken is a little reminder for me or anyone who’s currently headed out of their comfort zone into seeming uncertainty that “you’re on the right path”,
so keep going…