We’re back! I know, I know, it’s already a week into 2017, but I needed a tiny break to straighten out the brain clutter and get back on track after the holidays. I’ve been busy cleaning, organizing, decluttering- both at home and the office. It felt like a necessary evil before jumping back into the blog and feeling creatively charged up again.
I’m not one for making resolutions, case in point I’m currently eating a Nutella cookie writing this after just finishing a series of wall squats and plank exercises… Nope I figure it’s all about balance 😉 However I have given some thought as to the blog and the direction we want to head this year and I wanted to share with you. Some of these you may see a major shift this year with C&C, while others will be sprinkled in here and there.
Continue to Support Small and Local
I’ve always been a big proponent of supporting small business owners, heck I am one- we have to help one another out! Truth is my greatest joy out of this blog has been the relationships I’ve made along the way. I’ve had a chance to meet some amazing folks and it’s that community that lives at the heart of C&C. I’m an entrepreneur through and through so I know what it is to take on the risk and try to make your idea or passion come to life- it’s a lot of hard work, sacrifice and love that goes into things. So this year we will continue to support, highlight and celebrate all those small and local shops, creators, makers etc that has always made this blog maybe a little unique from others. If you’re a small shop that thinks it would be a great fit, let us know! My goal is to have a monthly feature that we feel the C&C community should know about, so shoot me an email or message on FB or IG and let me know!
Showing Off More Western
Expect a little more western flair in our outfit posts this year. I’m enthralled with how far western fashion has evolved in the past year and it’s made me rethink how I want to style it in my everyday wear. I also live in Cowtown- I mean, there is so much western heritage here, I’m almost on a mission to show people how to wear it year round. I fear the more metropolitan the city becomes, the more people think cowboy boots are reserved just for those 10 days of Stampede each year.
VBlog Series
Behind the scenes I’ve experimented with video’s- so maybe some more v-blogs in the future? Especially when it comes to recipes… I have so many I want to share- but seriously dread posting about it- so most of the time it doesn’t happen. I’ve also been asked about Facebook live (which honestly anything live terrifies me- what if I turn into a stuttering mess??) BUT I think I’ve got some fun things figured out that can add another dimension to the blog)
More Home Inspiration/ Reno’s
Reno’s and Home Improvement’s seem never ending. When it comes to my home, I felt like it’s all or nothing when I’m sharing it with people. However the honest reality is unless Home Depot’s coming in to do a miraculous top to bottom renovation, it’s always going to be in phase of “finished”, so tossing off the perfectionist ideals I have, might enable me to share more of what goes on at the house in the woods.
We’ve got some trips planned! Whoot, Whoot! The New York Times just listed Canada as the #1 place to travel in their 52 places to go in 2017! And guess what the country is turning 150 years old this year and to celebrate free admission is being offered all of the 200 plus national parks and historic sites across the country- which means we have some exploring to do! There is so much in our backyard to explore so I want to see where it takes me. Also anything pet friendly is a big bonus, Gunnar loves a good adventure as well so stay tuned!
[…] shape very quickly in the next few months. At the beginning of the year, I announced that on the list of goals for C&C was…1-To Showcase More Western Fashion, 2-Continue to Support Small and Local Businesses. I […]