The two week marathon on the Bow has ended- for now. What a learning it was, I figured out how to drift the boat properly while people cast, can confidently walk into a fishing shop and ask for a skid bitch fly (where they come up with some of these names…) and learned that being the net person can be a high stress job when there is a big fish at stake.
Fact of the matter is I’m hooked. The peacefulness of the river, the excitement of hooking “something”. I’m excited each time we go out and disregard the crazy stares my friends give me when I tell them I’m getting up at 3:30 in the morning to go fishing for another day in a row.
I’m very fortunate I have everything at my disposal to learn this fantastic sport- however I encourage anyone that want’s to learn to check out your location fly fishing shop and sign up for an Introduction to Fishing. I guarantee you once you hook your first fish on a dry fly be it 2 or 25 cm long that you’ll want to go again. For any ladies that want to learn and are a little shy to sit through a clinic with the guys, there are companies like Fly Gal Ventures– that offer seperate ladies seminars throughout the season. What are you waiting for, there is plenty of summer left!