Last Friday I mentioned one thing that I find so indulgent is fancy stationary and writing implements. The romantic side of me takes over and I want to handwrite out all sorts of notes to people. In a world of quick text messages and email, I think most people appreciate it more than ever now when they get a card or letter that someone took the time and care to put pen to paper.

So I was delighted when Papyrus sent me a little gift from their Personally Papyrus Design Studio, which features in-house printing and designs, as well as the ability to print a custom messages on existing notecards (available only on in-store purchases). They have a variety of Papyrus designs or third-party vendors that you can customize for virtually anything. Brides, looking for wedding invites, or hosting a milestone birthday or party that you want to add that special touch and send invites out in the mail? They can do that too and customize it to your needs. Personally designed cards are $20 for 20 cards with envelopes. See below or check out their website to see more options.